This shortened week has zipped by over here even though I’ve been loathe to leave the house! It’s been back to the deep freeze all week with temperatures below -20C plus windchills every day so I haven’t gone out unless I’ve had to. And while February seems to last forever it still feels a bit shocking to already be into Lent. I’m never prepared, I basically go into lent kicking and screaming. Or at the very least, shuffling and petulant.
One part of lent I always enjoy, however, is the good old fashioned motherly excuse it gives me for either cooking a lot of leftovers, or a lot of meals with no frills. “Oh, you don’t like raw broccoli as the only offered vegetable, sorry! it’s lent!” Did I maybe forget about the preferred snack while grocery shopping? Oh well, LENT! I accept it as a grace because there are so many varied and much publicized opinions about food in this house. It’s lent so you get what you get and IT’S FINE!
Come on, you’ve got stuff you like lent to take the hit for too! I know you do, let me know in the comments.
An over 500 year old body of an anchorite in York has been discovered in the ruins of an excavated church. I wish we had anchorites today…so much more weird than old women wanting to be alter servers…
This was a very well done podcast on the current state of Vatican affairs from a British perspective. I sometimes like to hear and read an outside the Church perspective to see how the rest of the world may be viewing things, just to spice things up!
And it’s always a good idea to take in more art, but especially during lent when there is a wealth of thought provoking beauty that reminds us of repentance and God’s love. I loved this post from
showcasing the many different examples of the parable of the prodigal son in a wide array of art and styles.
Reading, Watching, What Have You:
Last week I asked you beloved readers for recommendations for light hearted, soapy tv series I can crochet to at night, and let me tell you, at Hannah Gokie’s insistence I started Korean rom coms and need everyone to immediately watch them with me. I’ve watched five episodes of Business Proposal on Netflix, which I’m sure has a much cuter name in Korean, and it is exactly the ridiculous but entertaining show I was looking for! It feels a bit like Jane the Virgin with less scandal, and I am here for the classic She’s All That trope of not recognizing the girl when she wears glasses. Watch this show, feel happier, and then talk to me about it! Please!!
I am not reading a ton this week, I actually feel like my February reading has taken a bit of a nosedive simply because I’m moving so slowly through my books. Which isn’t bad of course, but sometimes I want to be done a stack in a week! I am about to start The Dry Wood by Caryll Houselander which I hope will be the perfect Lenten novel.
In the midst of waiting for teenagers for stuff I’ve been trying to shop for jeans. I’m conflicted of whether or not to take the plunge into wide leg, and I also need to make some jean investments, if you know what I mean. I know I’ll end up trying and sending back 9 out of 10 I buy, but I’ve yet to pull any triggers. So if you’ve got tips and tricks and links toss them my way and I’ll keep you appraised of the riveting subject that is shopping for jeans in your 30s.👖
Ok, let’s get this Friday started. And by started I mean eat a small fish meal.
- Christy
EEEK!!! I'm so glad you 1) started it and 2) found it as amazing and cute and funny as I did. There are SO many good ones!!!
You know, I got back into Levi's! They are well made and look good. I bought one of their high rise flairs and have been happy.