To completely fulfill the cliche that is being a millennial in the year of Our Lord 2022, I need to voice my angst about my place in the world, I mean, internet.
Because you see, I strongly dislike the internet! It makes so much of human life less human. Our conversations, our relationships, how we view other people, how we view creation, how we need instant satisfaction and gratification, how we can simply click through the unpleasantness of what we don’t like, etc. etc. etc.
But I’ve also been incredibly blessed by the internet. I’ve met and have friendships with fantastic people I could only dream of meeting in a pre-internet existence. I love learning new things and being able to instantly connect with a group of like minded people. I love a good online sale.
I’ve also been able to pursue creative endeavours that would be impossible for me otherwise. Impossible because of where I live (rural, rural, rural Canada), and because of my current primary vocation (homeschooling mom of many, many, children —ok, just five). I would never have been able to have any of my words read by anyone who shared my similar world view before blogs. No one would have listened to podcast conversations with me talking to very smart people without the ability to self-publish extremely niche content.
But do I think the world needs my opinions or thoughts? No. And I kinda worry about how many people out there operate out of that place. Which is why I’m not on Twitter. Is this going to be a groundbreaking substack? Of course not. But do I hope that there can be a little more interesting, comfortable, dare I say, relatable content that I can put out into the internet? I hope so. Because it’s still nice to read and value real people’s thoughts. Or at least I think so.
That’s what I’ve got guys. Just some partially relatable content, which may have something to think about every once in a while, with a healthy dash of not taking myself seriously.