What’s going on here?

Welcome to a crazy little corner of the internet where I hope to write about serious and non-serious things, share things I like, and to generally promote more genuine thinking. I need to do more thinking, you need to do more thinking, but there are just so many juicy distractions out there.

Flannery O’Connor once wrote in a letter to a religious sister “we were easily defeated when it came to defending what we thought were necessary judgments about fiction in the face of people who didn’t see them. I still am, and I’m much more liable to try to get out of the way as fast as possible than to struggle to make my views plain. I think though that it’s the people and not the questions that defeat us.”

I love that passage because I too have a lot of judgements, defences, and opinions that I express badly! And I definitely struggle with other people. Not you, of course, dear reader!

I’m Just Your Regular Girl with 5 Kids and a Penchant for Old Lady Life

I’m Christy Isinger casually a writer, a podcaster, a gardener, a reader; but more unglamorously a full time stay at home mom who homeschools five kids and happy wife. I live in the middle of nowhere in northern Alberta, Canada. I’m a cradle Catholic who has nerded out on theology and apologetics since my extremely geeky teenage years, I’ve written in some form in the Catholic world for the past million years, or twelve. I love Jesus, the Church, and hashing our doctrine, and struggle on the daily to love human beings.

I love books and English literature, a forever fan of Jane Austen, lover of Agatha Christie, and ardent G.K. Chesterton disciple. There’s nothing like dissecting a movie or tv adaptation, and I remain incredibly hard to please. My double life as an old lady is seen in my winter crochet, summer gardening, and love of wearing linen.

I’m a disagreeable, sassy, homebody who says things too harshly, and I think we all know that this viewpoint is sadly underrepresented in certain circles. Let’s just say I’m grateful for my friends and family who love me.

Let’s Hang Out

I don’t know where this substack will go but I will try to create reasonably entertaining and/or thoughtful newsletters which will never overwhelm your already congested inbox.

I think you’re a reader who appreciates what’s true, a beautiful sunset, valuing your home, appreciating the quirky and wonderful in the world, and living a real and ardent faith.

I love receiving newsletters, they’re like a letter that brightens my day and I hope this one will brighten yours.

Come on over and subscribe, it’s free, and not boring.

Subscribe to Necessary Judgements with Christy Isinger

thoughts and writing on the realities of life, the Catholic faith, books, and being a disagreeable woman in a influencer world


lover of books, drinker of good wine, disagreeable of personality, flower obsessed.