I also loved this. It so often feels like "I'm not getting anything done" (and why "getting something done" is the goal is a whole other issue!) when it's just that the "stuff" that's getting done is the regular everyday tasks that are necessary for life. Your reflection makes for a much better frame of mind about the boring job of maintaining. Thank you!

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Thank you for this! It’s a very chestertonian feminism - the work that matters most is not always the stuff that makes headlines (or dollars...) but the stuff that *must* happen for life to go on. Next time I get frustrated from “wasting time” folding laundry, doing dishes, or preparing one of the kids’ 74 meals a day (seriously, what are they, hobbits?) I will remember that I am not just ticking things off a to do list that never ends, but rather keeping the decline of civilisation at bay

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I am so impressed with the depth of philosophical insight you can glean from the irritation of maintaining a home. Maybe that will lessen the frustration I feel at the dirty floor and counter. But you are so right. It is SO much of the task, and so unnoticed (except when it doesn’t get done!) and boring, but also immeasurably important. Go you being so smart.

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