You should totally write a full blown opinion piece on the Louise Perry article. It could be a great discussion. Or devolve. Either way...?

And I just recently finished Gilmore Girls and...unpopular opinion...I love Lorelai. She's flawed for sure, but I found her nonetheless very likeable.

As always, you impress me with how interesting you are...in a good way I promise.

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Also, that First Things article is so chilling and so true. It’s not even just pagan morals coming back, either. It’s plain old literal idol worship. People give lip service to their modern sophistication and then turn around and offer you an actual household god- this happened to me at my very liberal university. It was a head scratcher for sure haha

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Do you ever grow indoor veggies or flowers over the winter? Does it help? Haha

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Homeschooling two junior high kiddos over here too. Blogs like yours makes my day. And you’ve got me convinced to finally sit down and binge on Only Murders

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I'm homeschooling a 10th grader this year, and the doubt kicks into hyperdrive.

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Yaaaas for Arthurian lit!!! 🔥

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Same boat with homeschooling but on my last high schooler - year 23 for me 😎

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Still in the homeschooling trenches with you!! Going on year 12 I think….

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