I was nodding along with everything you were saying about transitions and routine. With our first three kids we happened to move each time while I was pregnant. The third was born 2.5 weeks after that move, and I remember absolutely longing for a big stretch of time with no major life events/upheavals! For me routine is paramount in order to thrive.

Hoping that weekend move works out for you all!

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ha, yesss. We had three babies within three years, and also managed to move three times as new parents (twice across the country, and another for the house we bought). After explaining it to people they'd be like WHAT THE HECK, THAT'S A LOT and then I stop and remind myself.... yeah.... it kind of is. We've finally had a year or so with no major life transitions in our marriage. Feels good.

Hats off to all the new, good, whirlwind of things for you and your family!

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5 years is the longest I’ve lived in any one flat/ house in my entire adult life- and I *hate* moving. It’s so stressful to not know where anything is and every box packed is another sorting through, not just of things but of memories and emotions, and every little keep vs toss decision feels so weighty (am I irresponsible if I throw this thing away and have to buy it again? Is the cost of moving it worth the cost of the item?!). Anyway, just to say: it is a lot, and feeling that it’s a lot seems very normal to me! Good luck with it all.

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I was reading this And feeling exactly how you are. While we didn't move recently I broke my leg August 19,the first day of school this year. My kids go to a Regina Caeli and I am the 2nd grade tutor. this is my first year teaching there and I'm also supposed to be leading my own level I Catechesis of the Good Shepherd class and we are in another CO op so my 7th grader can get an art requirement, plus my two oldest kids are in an acting troupe. Now I'm stuck on the couch doing physical therapy three times a week thinking about everything I was supposed to be doing.

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